Published Dec 17, 2013
FIRST LOOK: Exclusive Voyager Products In The Star Trek Shop
FIRST LOOK: Exclusive Voyager Products In The Star Trek Shop

It’s not too late to beam up cool and exclusive Star Trek products from the Star Trek Shop here at And today, we’re going to highlight several brand-new Voyager-inspired items. First up is a tee-shirt emblazoned with a view of the USS Voyager and the words “What’s Your Voyage?” It’s available in two versions, one each for men and women, and it costs $24.95.
Also available is a Captain Janeway black tee, for $24.95, and a Seven of Nine black tee, at the same price. The graphics of Janeway and Seven can also be found on exclusive pint glasses and mugs. Fans can also grab Star Trek: Voyager logo items, including pint glasses, hoodies, women’s tees, toddler shirts, iPhone cases, etc.
Click HERE to check out the Voyager pages in the Star Trek Shop for all the products mentioned above and more.