Published Dec 28, 2014
FIRST LOOK: Cover of Star Trek: The Original Series: Savage Trade
FIRST LOOK: Cover of Star Trek: The Original Series: Savage Trade

Simon & Schuster/Pocket Books will publish Star Trek: The Original Series: The Savage Trade in late February, 2015, and has an exclusive First Look at the cover -- which is by Doug Drexler -- and details about the book, penned by Tony Daniel (Star Trek: The Devil's Bargain). Here's the synopsis, direct from the publisher:
The U.S.S. Enterprise, under the command of Captain James T. Kirk, is en route to the extreme edge of the Alpha Quadrant, and to a region known as the Vara Nebula. Its mission: to investigate why science outpost Zeta Gibraltar is not answering any Federation hailing messages. When the Enterprise arrives, a scan shows no life-forms in the science station. Kirk leads a landing party and quickly discovers the reason for the strange silence—signs of a violent firefight are everywhere. Zeta Gibraltar has been completely raided. Yet there are no bodies, and the entire roster of station personnel is missing...
Star Trek: The Original Series: Savage Trade will run 384 pages and be available on February 24 as a mass market paperback and eBook. It will cost $7.99 in the United States and $9.99 in Canada. Go to to pre-order.