Published May 15, 2014
FIRST LOOK: Bajoran Interceptor 5 Expansion Pack
FIRST LOOK: Bajoran Interceptor 5 Expansion Pack

Welcome back to the second of's exclusive First Looks at NECA/WizKids Games’ tactical space combat miniatures game Star Trek: Attack Wing. Today, we are looking at the contents of the Bajoran Interceptor 5 Expansion Pack, which will be available in June as part of the Star Trek: Attack Wing Wave 5 release. Players will be amazed at the maneuverability of this light fighter craft as they spin through the maneuver dial and see that there is not a single red maneuver even when performing 1 & 2 “come about” maneuvers. The Interceptor 5 also provides greater flexibility in games as it does not lose its “Perform Actions” step or take damage in certain circumstances. When it comes to captaining this agile fighter, players can choose between Lenaris Holem (who allows you to reroll a defensive die if you have an Evasive Maneuver token next to your ship) or Hazar (who decreases the number of attack dice being rolled against his ship if it is close to an Obstacle or Planet Token). If Hazar is captaining your ship, you might also want to consider equipping the ship with the Militia Elite Talent which will increase your attack dice total as well as give you a free Battle Station token.