Published Feb 22, 2012
First Look at a Dr. McCoy Masterpiece
First Look at a Dr. McCoy Masterpiece

A bevy of Star Trek busts are on the way from the way from Titan Merchandise, and has the details and also an exclusive First Look at the Dr. Leonard “Bones” McCoy bust. Set for release this summer, the Star Trek Masterpiece Collection will feature beautifully realized maxi-busts of Captain James T. Kirk, Captain Jean-Luc Picard, Khan Noonien Singh, Mister Spock and Lieutenant Commander Data. All of the extraordinarily detailed polystone busts measure 8 inches tall by 5 inches wide.
The Kirk and Picard busts will busts will be available in June, while the Khan, Spock and Data busts will be available in July. The busts will sell for the suggested retail price of $79.99 each. Visit Titan Merchandise for complete details on the Star Trek Masterpiece Collection and keep an eye on for pre-order information and future additions to Titan’s line of Star Trek figurines.