Published May 20, 2013
Favorite Star Trek: The Next Generation Classic Quotes
Favorite Star Trek: The Next Generation Classic Quotes

So you will understand when I say, 'Death is that state in which one exists only in the memory of others...
which is why it is not an end.' No goodbyes. Just good memories. Hailing frequencies closed, sir.
"I protest! I am not a Merry Man!"
"Make it so, Number One."
Those are just three of the many memorable quotes featured in Star Trek: The Next Generation -- Classic Quotes, a new book available now from Cider Mill Press. The book includes quotes from all seven seasons of TNG, as well as full-color photos and an introduction by Star Trek author Paul Ruditis. Star Trek: The Next Generation -- Classic Quotes runs 96 pages, measures 6.2 by 6.3 by 0.7 inches and costs $12.95. Click HERE to purchase.