Published May 16, 2019
DS9 Fans React to 'What We Left Behind'
Viewers took to Twitter to share the love with the film's team and their favorite cast.
We weren't shocked to see fans of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine come out in full force for Ira Steven Behr's new documentary, What We Left Behind, a reflective and speculative documentary that looks back at DS9's legacy, and forward to what an eighth season might have looked like. At Monday night's Hollywood screening, not only did some attendees come enthusiastically decked out in cosplay, they were joined by DS9 stars Cirroc Lofton, Aron Eisenberg, and Nicole de Boer for an intimate post-screening conversation. We were — as we often find ourselves — absolutely overwhelmed by the outpouring of emotion Trek fans showed for the film. Afterwards, many fans took to social media to share their love, awe, gratitude, and favorite memories with DS9's cast, and the documentary's creative team. Some of our favorites have been collected below.
#WhatWeLeftBehind was amazing. Thats all I can say about it really, I loved it start to finish.
— Dova (@DovaTLM) May 14, 2019
#WhatWeLeftBehind the @DS9Doc is a fantastic love letter to perhaps the most currently pertinent #StarTrek series ever made; it was prophetic in so many ways about the world as it is now. It's so great seeing this show get the love it deserves!
— Bret Lonsway??#WeAreStarfleet (@BretLonsway) May 14, 2019
Loved the Star Trek Deep Space Nine documentary What We Left Behind! ?? 9??
— Jason A Anderson (@jaa5280) May 14, 2019
Heading to @DS9Doc in 23'rd century style.
— Peter J. Jones (@GayNerd53) May 14, 2019
On my way to see the new DS9 documentary “What we left behind”! All dressed up in my new Quark shirt. And I’m wearing my heaviest sparkly earrings cause I’ve got the lobes for it ?
— Emperor Jar Jar (@stephanie8anne8) May 14, 2019
If you are an @StarTrek fan and liked Deep Space Nine, check out #WhatWeLeftBehind in theaters! It did an amazing job showing how this iconic TV show changed the rules of television and promoted social change!
— Aaron Mills (@aaronrmills) May 14, 2019
Saw #WhatWeLeftBehind tonight! Fantastic tribute to a fantastic series ?
— Jesskimo (@mreowF9) May 14, 2019
Just got home from seeing #WhatWeLeftBehind@DS9Doc it was amazing! I cried a lot lol! Thank you so much to everyone involved in making that amazing show! DS9 has always been and will be my favorite Trek. ??
— Francesca ? (@XxStarg8rocksxX) May 14, 2019
Thoroughly enjoyed attending #WhatWeLeftBehind tonight. A thorough homage to the people in front and behind the camera of #DS9 ?????? @DS9Doc@IraStevenBehr@fathomevents
— Mark A Prince Jr (@MarkAPrinceJr) May 14, 2019
We dressed up & may have slightly teared up for #StarTrek#DS9 documentary #WhatWeLeftBehind! ?? Another closet cosplay, since apparently that’s what I do now, as Jadzia Dax with a Kira Nerys as well! We love @4TerryFarrell@NanaVisitor and all the people of @DS9Doc ?
— Jamie K Wheeler (@jamie_k_wheeler) May 14, 2019
Just watched the @DS9Doc#WhatWeLeftBehind Fantastic film about my favorite @StarTrek series. And seeing #ds9 on the big screen was an amazing experience. #DS9Doc
— Aaron James Whiting (@AaronJmsWhiting) May 14, 2019
Saw the amazing @IraStevenBehr#DS9 doc #WhatWeLeftBehind tonight in a theater full of fans. What an emotional experience! Must re-watch the series now!
— Woke Krampus (@Jonolobster) May 14, 2019
Love getting one-on-one time with my boy! Aiden had a documentary class last semester and we both couldn't wait to go see the @DS9Doc! He said it was filmed in a way that made it both interesting and very fun! A great time together! ?
— ZacAvalanche (@ZacAvalanche) May 14, 2019
@DS9Doc was something special. Thanks to the amazing talented behind the scene artists who made @StarTrek#DS9 a forever relevant show, From glorious HD to fascinating recollections, the documentary is an emotional celebration of what was, what could have been, & what may be.
— The Tenuto Family (@Tenutofamily) May 14, 2019
The @DS9Doc is a miracle and I loved every second of it. Seeing the remastered footage in a movie theater blew me away. The show was ahead of its time in its storytelling and visual look.
— Bryan Murphy (@Bryan_Murphy) May 14, 2019