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Fan Favorites: Trek Lessons

Fan Favorites: Trek Lessons

We're kicking off a new feature here at and we're calling it Fan Sourced. Every once in a while we'll ask a question on our Facebook page and then share the feedback with readers. A couple of weeks ago we asked What's the best lesson that Star Trekhas taught you? Lots of fans replied, and many of them shared the link with friends, prompting even more replies. Here are some of the comments...

Bill Huber

Lucy Angel Eames

John Talbott
Richard Tillman

Lou Giacobbi

Star Trek
Nancy Lin

Thomas Knip
Valerie Bennett

Matthias Schorer
Star Trek
Star Trek
Dez Hobin

Christian Alexander Mard

Jimmy Jones
Stephanie Almeida

Nick Previsich

Abi Edwards

Kevin Benham

Simon Duffy
Star Trek
Ian Caywood

Nick Smith