Published Aug 5, 2010
Exhibition Premieres in Spain
Exhibition Premieres in Spain

“Teletransportame, Scotty.”
That’s the headline – and a very fitting one, at that – of a Spanish newspaper article about the opening last week of Star Trek: The Exploration in Valencia, Spain. A variation on Star Trek: The Exhibition, which is currently touring the United States, Star Trek: The Exploration features elements – costumes, sets, props, photographs and more, including some never-before-seen items, from all five Star Trek television series and each of the 11 Star Trek films – culled from earlier installations in Las Vegas, San Jose and the Franklin Institute, as well as from the Paramount Pictures warehouse. This marks the first time a Star Trek exhibition has left the United States.
Star Trek: The Exploration is located at Museo de las Ciencias Principe Felipe (Principe Felipe Science Museum), one of the world’s premier museums, and the museum is within an entertainment-based cultural and architectural complex called Ciudad de las Artes y Ciencias (City of Arts and Sciences). The exhibit fills a 10,000 square-foot gallery, with highlights including the Star Trek: The Next Generation bridge set, the Borg Queen, character heads, concept art, a Klingon navigation chair, scripts, posters, a Gene Roddenberry video tribute, and models up to 35 feet long.
Long lines formed for the opening on July 22 and among the crowd was a large contingent of local Star Trek fans, including the president of the Star Trek Club of Spain, who expressed delight at the opportunity of seeing Star Trek spotlighted in such a way for the first time ever in Spain.
Star Trek: The Exploration will run through February 22, 2011. Upon its closing in Valencia, Star Trek: The Exploration will stop in other European cities. Keep an eye on for news of when and where Star Trek: The Exploration will touch down next.