Published Jul 24, 2014
Enter Ships of the Line Design Contest NOW
Enter Ships of the Line Design Contest NOW

How often have you marveled at Star Trek's vessels on the shows, in the features and in the annual Ships of the Line calendar? We're guessing quite often, as Trek's ships are as much a part of the Trek legacy as the stories, characters, performances and more that have elevated Star Trek to phenomenon status for nearly 50 years. Now, how often have you wished you could create a starship design worthy of inclusion in a Star Trek Ships of the Line calendar? We're guessing that'd be a dream for many Trek fans out there -- and it's a dream that will come true for the 13 lucky and talented winners of the just-announced Star Trek Ships of the Line Design Contest.
The contest just kicked during the Ships of the Line Panel at Comic-Con International 2014 in San Diego and will run until September 2 on The work of the 13 winners will be immortalized in the 50th anniversary 2016 Star Trek Ships of the Line calendar. Designs for the ships can be submitted in paint, pencils, ink, markers, pastels, or charcoal. Computer-generated images are also acceptable. Once the submission process closes in September a panel of judges will review submissions based on the following criteria: appearance/quality of image, appropriateness to contest theme, composition/layout, and attention to detail.
Go to for additional details about the Star Trek Ships of the Line Design Contest.