Published May 25, 2012
Doctor Who / Star Trek Comic Set for Release
Doctor Who / Star Trek Comic Set for Release

The first in a series of eight tales, Assimilation2 #1 brings together Captain Picard and his Enterprise crew and the Doctor and his companions. The landmark team-up occurs when the whole galaxy is threatened by an unholy alliance between their most-infamous nemeses, the Borg and the Cybermen, respectively. Scott and David Tipton, collaborating with with Doctor Who veteran Tony Lee, wrote Assimilation2 #1, while J.K. Woodward rendered the art and Woodward and David Messina realized the covers. The Time Lord depicted is, of course, the current one, played on the TV series by Matt Smith. Variants will include a rare wrap-around photo cover and one by Joe Corroney, featuring the TARDIS crew on the Enterprise. Star Trek: The Next Generation/Doctor Who: Assimilation2 #1 will run 32 pages and sell for $3.99.
Meanwhile, Star Trek #9 heralds the buildup to the Star Trek sequel with a re-imagining of the TOS episode “The Return of the Archons.” Kirk, Spock and the Enterprise crew seek to locate a lost Starfleet ship that just may hold important clues to the Federation’s future. Mike Johnson penned the story and the art is by Stephen Molnar. Tim Bradstreet and Joe Phillips handled the covers, while Roberto Orci, co-producer-writer of Star Trek (2009) and the just-wrapped sequel, oversaw the project. Star Trek #9 will run 32 pages and cost $3.99. Variants will include a photo cover and Tim Bradstreet sketch cover. Also, be sure to look for the variant featuring the CBLDF contest winner.
For additional details, contact your local comic book retailer or visit to find a store near you. And keep an eye on for additional news about IDW's upcoming Star Trek comic books.