Published Jul 19, 2018
Discovery Mirror Universe Experience Opens at Comic-Con
Discovery Mirror Universe Experience Opens at Comic-Con

Star Trek fans ooh-ed and aah-ed as they soaked in the sights and sounds of the fully immersive Star Trek: Discovery Mirror Universe experience, one of the Trek-centric highlights at San Diego Comic-Con. The exhibit opened on Thursday morning at the Michael J. Wolf Fine Arts Gallery (363 Fifth Ave, San Diego, CA 92101).
Everywhere fans look, the Terran Empire comes to life.
Entering the gallery, there's no mistaking Mirror Burnham and Georgiou Qo'noS costumes, as well as production photos.
Off to the right, there's more Mirror Universe production art, as well as Emperor Georgiou's gold cloak, Imperial sword and scabbard, dagger and gauntlet.
A quote by Georgiou's cloak reads:
To the left, Mirror Lorca stares back at you, and he's flanked by Mirror-themed photos from Discovery's first season.
Beneath the ominous message, one finds a Mirror phaser and rifle, truncheon, agonizer and dagger.
Then, on the next wall, fans can check out Mirror Sarek and Mirror Shukar, as well as more production photos.
Further into exhibit, on the wall directly behind Mirror Burnham and Georgiou Qo'noS, the following quote captures your attention:
And positioned along that wall are Mirror Stamets, Mirror Detmer, Mirror Tilly and Mirror Tyler, along with a variety of Mirror badges and pins.
And, all the way in the back, where last year fans settled into the Discovery’s captain’s chair, this year visitors can experience a photo opportunity on Emperor Georgiou’s Throne.
The line to stand in the Emperor’s throne moves quickly. Fans can also make time to stop in the official Star Trek Shop, which features Comic-Con exclusives, and pick up their free, limited edition Discovery Starfleet pins, which are being distributed each day at the gallery.
And now for a much more detailed look...
Mirror Michael Burnham
Emperor Georgiou
Mirror Georgiou
Mirror Lorca
Mirror Stamets
Mirror Tilly
Mirror Tyler
Mirror Sarek
Mirror Shukar
Mirror Detmer
The takeover experience is free to the public and does not require a Comic-Con badge for entry.
Exhibit Hours are:
Thursday 11:00am to 9:00pmFriday 11:00am to 9:00pmSaturday 11:00am to 9:00pmSunday 11:00am to 5:00pm