Published Jan 18, 2019
Dare to Open Emperor Georgiou's Lock Box
Emperor Georgiou's Lock Box is filled with the brutal machinations she maintained aboard her flagship.
The Terran Empire’s latest incursion into the modern universe was accidental but no less effective for it. Details around the actual conflict are tightly classified, but debris from their mighty flagship, the I.S.S. Charon, float littered in orbit above Pahvo and rain down on its surface.
Star Trek Online
Starfleet, the Lobi Consortium, and a handful of other interested parties have acquired and replicated all manner of interesting tech from the dark side of the mirror. What twisted paths might the Terrans have taken as their trek through the cosmos diverged ever farther from Starfleet’s? What advances unchecked by treaty or conscience have now arrived in our universe? The Emperor’s Lock Box is filled with brutal machinations Emperor Georgiou saw fit to grace with a berth aboard her flagship. It contains a ship, space weapons, duty officer assignments, kit modules, and traits. Additionally, each box contains a Terran Fortune Cookie, packed with the wisdom and nutrition of the Terran Empire.
Star Trek Online
The Emperor’s Lock Box contains a mighty Grand Prize: the Styx Terran Dreadnaught Cruiser [T6]. While its origins are undisclosed, some enterprising engineers have produced a ship design clearly inspired by the mighty I.S.S. Charon. Incorporating understanding of the Terran Empire’s military structure, the Styx encapsulates imperial military doctrine. Its hangar bay deploys Magee-class frigates, by mass an order of magnitude more impressive than traditional fighters, by design sadistic and debilitating to ships well above their class. Even as the immense ship and its enormous “fighter” support loom above the battlefield, its opponents shrivel, broken by the agony of Terran majesty.
Star Trek Online
Bringing the technology and ideals of the Terran Empire into this universe surely can’t undo too much of the good work done by Starfleet over the years. What’s an arms control treaty without a few exceptions? The Emperor’s Lock Box, as well as the additional Lobi Store entries, will be coming to PC on January 23rd, 2019.
Star Trek Online is a free-to-play massively multiplayer online game that allows players to explore the Star Trek universe from within. Players can forge their own destiny as Captain of a Federation starship, champion the Empire through the far reaches of the galaxy as a Klingon Warrior, rebuild the Romulan legacy as the commander of a Romulan Republic Warbird or carry out daring missions on behalf of the Dominion as a Jem’Hadar soldier. Captains can also explore iconic locations from the Star Trek universe, make contact with new alien species and battle alongside other players in customizable starships. Star Trek Online is currently available on PC, PlayStation4 and Xbox One.
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