Published May 10, 2016
Curtis & "The Bad Astronomer" Are Latest Mission New York Guests
Curtis & "The Bad Astronomer" Are Latest Mission New York Guests

And the latest additions to the guest list for Star Trek: Mission New York are Robin Curtis and Phil Plait. Curtis played Saavik in Star Trek III: The Search for Spock and Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home, as well as Tellara/T’Paal in the “Gambit Part I and II” episodes of Star Trek: The Next Generation. Plait is an astronomer, Hubble Space Telescope team member and science blogger commonly referred to as "The Bad Astronomer." Curtis and Plait join the previously announced William Shatner, Terry Farrell, Jonathan Frakes, Marina Sirtis, Michael Dorn, Gates McFadden and LeVar Burton.
Star Trek: Mission New York
Star Trek: Mission New York
Star Trek: Mission New York