Published Jun 1, 2013
Creation's Chicago Convention: Day One Recap
Creation's Chicago Convention: Day One Recap

Fans from around the four Quadrants descended on the beautiful Westin O'Hare in the Windy City yesterday for Creation Entertainment's annual Official Star Trek Convention. There was a huge buzz preceding the event, as it would offer an exclusive TNG 25th anniversary event featuring the seven lead actors of the groundbreaking series as well as reminiscences celebrating the 20th anniversary of DS9.Friday morning as the show opened, fans were immediately treated to a sprawling set of vendors areas, spread over several meeting rooms and foyers. This reporter marveled at the wealth of rare Trek collectibles, original and fine art prints, intergalactic paraphernalia, apparel, books, magazines, models, toys, Tribbles and autographed and matted collages of sci-fi and Trek shows and characters.The Westin has recently undergone a $20 million renovation and is looking magnificent in both its public areas and guest rooms. The main theater in the hotel's Grand Ballroom was no exception and fans rushed in as it opened to the sight of an expansive stage area, beautifully lit and adorned with theatrical velour, LED lighting and multiple video imagery/projection. Soon Creation Co- CEO Adam Malin came on stage, and in obvious high spirits and energy welcomed everyone to the show. Malin, a self-confessed fan boy, was clearly excited by the prospects of an amazing weekend chock full of guests, contests and activities. First guest on deck, he introduced Jeff Combs, one of Trek fans’ favorite actors who, amongst several roles, is famous for the notorious Weyoun, the Vorta from DS9, and Shran, the conflicted but noble Andorian from Enterprise.