Published Sep 30, 2011
Creation Previews 2012 Convention Plans
Creation Previews 2012 Convention Plans

Creation Entertainment is just about to wrap up its year-long celebration of Star Trek's 45th anniversary with one last 2011 convention, set for Chicago from September 30 to October 2, but co-CEOs and founders Gary Berman and Adam Malin are already looking ahead to 2012 and what will be the 25th anniversary of Star Trek: The Next Generation. And, in fact, they've already locked in a whole bunch of dates, cities and guests for next year. During a recent conversation, Berman filled us in on what fans should expect in 2012. And, in the process, he explained how the company's experiences in 2011, particularly at their annual mega-show in Las Vegas, informed their plans for 2012. "Star Trek fans had quite a year of celebration for the 45th Anniversary, no doubt highlighted by the huge Official Star Trek Convention at The Rio in Vegas this past August," Berman said. "It was, by far, the most fun yet and we've already started working on plans for the next Las Vegas convention, which will be held August 9-12, 2012."One of the interesting things to note out of Vegas in 2011 was the incredible increase in the amount of patrons who came in costume, some dressed as characters that appear in only one episode!" Berman continued. "At 2012 Vegas, we are going to be doing lots more in the costuming area and expanding out programing and events involving this part of fandom. Of course, we'll also be out to top our guest list -- which is going to be tough for sure -- and we've already started for 2012 by booking William Shatner and Jonathan Frakes so far. The Rio proved to be a great site and we think the fans enjoyed being there. The few logistical challenges a new venue brings will be solved in 2012, but overall, with over 5,000 attendees a day, there was very little waiting time in terms of admission, and thousands of autographs and photo ops were successfully completed."What else can fans expect in 2012?"2012 also marks the 25th Anniversary of Star Trek: The Next Generation, so we will be focusing somewhat on that with our 2012 conventions," Berman replied. "We do recognize, however, that TOS will always be the anchor for us, and we expect a large contingent of original stars and supporting guests at Vegas 2012, as well as representation from the other Trek series and films. We hope to have a new major guest from the 2009 film to follow in Zachary Quinto and John Cho's footsteps; we'll have to see how that progresses."2012 will also bring us to return trips to some great Star Trek fan cities," Berman continued. "We have Chicago lined up for August 19-21, San Francisco from July 27-29 with Brent Spiner and Jonathan Frakes (so far), Philadelphia from May 4-6 with Patrick Stewart, and New Jersey from August 17-19."For additional information, visit the Creation Entertainment site by clicking HERE.