Published Mar 15, 2018
Creating 3D-Printed Models of Favorite Trek Ships
Creating 3D-Printed Models of Favorite Trek Ships

We all have a connection to our favorite ship in Star Trek. Whether it’s the original 1701 – No bloody “A, B, C, or D,” or the scrappy “little” Defiant, or even a gorgeous and deadly Klingon Bird of Prey, there’s a ship that speaks to you, the one that you would love to Captain and use to explore the galaxy. Star Trek Online, the free-to-play online roleplaying game, has been letting you choose from over 600 ships for over eight years, but we’re now taking it a step further. Starting this minute, you’ll be able to use Star Trek Online to customize your favorite Star Trek ships and have them turned into beautiful, hand-painted, 3D printed collectibles for your home, your office, or wherever you display your love for Star Trek.

Here’s how it works: On PC, ready the starship you want printed, and head to the ship tailor. You’ll find a brand-new button that reads, “3D Print This Ship.” Clicking on this will bring you to the option to learn more about this process, or to print this ship. Once you’ve chosen to print the ship, it’ll upload directly to our partner, Mixed Dimensions, who will offer you three different options to print. You can print it in a solid color, to recreate the trophies of your personal Ready Room. You can print a primed version of the model for you to paint yourself. Or you can have Mixed Dimensions’ talented staff hand paint a replica of your favorite ship, with your name, registry number, and customizations.
You can get more information from our official blog post.
Star Trek Online is a free-to-play massively multiplayer online game where players can pioneer their own destiny as Captain of a Federation starship, become a Klingon Warrior and champion the Empire through the far reaches of the galaxy, or rebuild the Romulan legacy as the commander of a Romulan Republic Warbird. In Star Trek Online, players have the opportunity to visit iconic locations from the popular Star Trek universe, reach out to unexplored star systems, and make contact with new alien species. Star Trek Online is currently available on PC, PlayStation4 and Xbox One. To download and play Star Trek Online today for free, visit