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Check Out Amusing New Esurance/STID Tie-in Ad

Check Out Amusing New Esurance/STID Tie-in Ad

Esurance is boldly going where no Star Trek commercial has gone before. Their new 30-second commercial, which kicks off the insurance company’s Star Trek Into Darkness tie-in marketing campaign, unfolds aboard a Federation ship, and it was actually shot on a set seen in the upcoming J.J. Abrams movie. In the spot, the ship’s captain is talking to chatting with a fellow officer, complaining that the “Enterprise gets all the good missions,” when the ship shakes and sparks fly. On the viewscreen comes the image of an alien who apologizes for bumping into the captain’s ship, prompting the captain to moan, “It’s space… You couldn’t go around me?” The alien explains it’ll all be OK, as he’s got Esurance.

It’s an amusing spot. And there’s a fun little bit to be found in the fine print at the bottom of the screen near the end of the spot. It notes that “Coverages differ, and are not available in all states… or galaxies.” Also, be sure to enter Esurance’s Star Trek Into Darkness Ticket Giveaway, as they’re giving aware 30,000 tickets to see the movie in regular or 3D theaters. Click HERE to enter.