Published Oct 8, 2014
CHECK IT OUT: Star Trek Jewelry
CHECK IT OUT: Star Trek Jewelry

RockLove has just launched a line of handcrafted Star Trek jewelry that consists mainly of sterling silver pieces and includes a U.S.S. Enterprise Docking Ring, a two-piece ring that comes apart so that the iconic saucer and engine "dock" and are worn stacked. The Mission Ring, designed for men, features a wide band with the phrase "To Boldly Go Where No Man Has Gone Before" with blackened contrast behind a TOS font. Also available: sterling rings, necklaces and pendants on leather cords, and brass key rings.

RockLove is an independent jewelry brand specializing in historical and world-travel-inspired men's and women's sterling silver pieces. "The goal," RockLove owner-designer-jeweler Allison Hourcade said in a statement, "was to produce something a Star Trek fan could wear every day... durable precious metal that is understated enough to be professional and sophisticated, yet clever in its design."

The Star Trek sterling jewelry line is available now for pre-order at the Shop. The initial array of products will be joined soon by new pieces created by RockLove. Also, for anyone attending New York Comic Con, be sure to check out the Star Trek jewelry at the RockLove booth, #510.