Published Aug 11, 2014
Check It Out: Star Trek: First Contact/Deep Space Nine Standard Line Uniform
Check It Out: Star Trek: First Contact/Deep Space Nine Standard Line Uniform

Anovos has just unveiled its next new Star Trek product: the highly anticipated Star Trek: First Contact/Deep Space Nine Standard Line Uniform, available now for pre-order. At the time of First Contact and DS9, the uniforms marked one of the most-drastic stylistic shifts from the outward basic service colors to a standardized grey yolk and black body, and within the context of Star Trek, they symbolized the shift from a peaceful Federation to a more conflicted time in the Alpha Quadrant.
Costumers and collectors alike will have choice between the full set with vest or the standard ensemble without the vest. Either way, fans benefit from the custom-milled fabric, which captures the deep grey of the uniforms as seen under stage lighting and depicted on screen. For those fans who are curious, the Premier Line version -- slated for a later release in the fall -- will utilize the mauve/purple gray color of the original screen-used pieces.
Also, for the first time, fans will no longer be limited by their chosen service. Whether it’s command burgundy on day one or ships services mustard the next day, Anovos has devised a way for fans to quickly and seamlessly switch out the services cuff stripe colors and undershirt; shirt sets available separately.
Anovos manufacturing details worth noting include:
• Custom milled cavalry twill using synthetic fiber and poly cotton construction.• Custom dyed to original colors used from screen-used production pieces• Distinct jacket and pant construction, with “holster” loops to allow for future props• Jacket features hidden zippers at cuffs of jacket, for ease of division switch-out
The Star Trek: First Contact/Deep Space Nine Standard Line Uniform with "Captain's" vest will cost $750 and $525 without the vest. Click HERE to pre-order the First Contact Ensemble with "Captain's" Vest and HERE for the First Contact Ensemble without Vest. And keep an eye on for news about future Anovos Star Trek products.