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CHECK 'EM OUT: Two Exclusive Clips from Nimoy/COPD Documentary

CHECK 'EM OUT: Two Exclusive Clips from Nimoy/COPD Documentary

Julie Nimoy and David Knight, respectively the daughter and son-in-law of Leonard Nimoy, have just provided with an exclusive First Look at two clips from the upcoming documentary they're producing, COPD: Highly Illogical -- A Special Tribute to Leonard Nimoy. In the first clip, Julie Nimoy discusses how, as her father's COPD progressed, it broke his heart to sell the family's getaway home in Lake Tahoe. And in the second clip, she discusses how her father, who was a pilot, and she beamed away for a memorable father-daughter trip that had a very bumpy landing.

COPD, or Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, is the illness that claimed Nimoy's life in February. Most people aren’t aware of the condition, even though it’s one of the most-prevalent lung diseases diagnosed today and despite the fact that it ranks as the third most-common cause of death in America. Nimoy disclosed his diagnosis in 2014 and spent his remaining days talking and tweeting about the illness, revealing how his years of smoking caused it, and imploring anyone who smoked to do the logical thing – and quit. Julie Nimoy and David Knight discussed the documentary in detail with in September.

So far more than half of the target goal of $500,000 has been raised by fans and companies donating funds to the cause. Anyone who wishes to donate can do so by going to, and those who donate $100 will receive a COPD/Highly Illogical T-shirt.