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CHECK 'EM OUT: Star Trek: The Original Series Puzzles

CHECK 'EM OUT: Star Trek: The Original Series Puzzles

Aquarius has just introduced a new 600-piece puzzle... or puzzles. The product is actually double-sided: you can assemble a USS Enterprise NCC-1701 and/or a montage of Star Trek: The Original Series images that form the shape of the USS Enterprise. It costs $19.99. Click HERE to purchase via

Aquarius has also released a 1000-piece Star Trek: The Original Series puzzle that, when assembled, depicts the main crew. From left to right, there's Scotty, Chekov, McCoy, Kirk, Spock, Sulu and Uhura. It costs $14.99. Click HERE to purchase from

Also available are "desk standees" of Kirk, Spock and McCoy, which are two-piece puzzle that pop out and stand up. Each sells for $9.99. Click HERE to purchase from