Published Dec 19, 2014
CHECK 'EM OUT: Japan-Exclusive Trek-Themed Crystal Products
CHECK 'EM OUT: Japan-Exclusive Trek-Themed Crystal Products

Star Trek's ever-growing international popularity is crystal clear. How so? Daiko Seisakusho Co., Ltd. and Star Trek Network Japan have just joined forces to offer a variety of Star Trek-themed products, including crystal art. The 3D crystal art products -- currently available only in Japan -- have been created using highly precise laser processing. Among them are a USS Enterprise NCC-1701 Refit, K'tinga class battlecruiser, Romulan Warbird and Deep Space 9.

And then there are the crystal art key chains, with the lineup including: Original USS Enterprise NCC-1701, USS Enterprise NCC-1701 Refit, USS Enterprise NCC-1701-D, USS Defiant NX-74205.