Published Feb 8, 2015
Chase Masterson Guest Stars On The Flash
Chase Masterson Guest Stars On The Flash

Chase Masterson will be back on TV in a flash. Star Trek: Deep Space Nine's Leeta will appear in "The Nuclear Man," Tuesday's episode of The Flash. The actress plays Sherry, a divorced woman who now owns the house that Nora Allen, the mother of Barry Allen (Grant Gustin), was killed in years ago. Doing some investigating, Joe (Jesse L. Martin) and Cisco (Carlos Valdes) pay Sherry a visit.
"Trek fans who are new to The Flash will find that executive producers Andrew Kreisberg and Greg Berlanti expand on the transcendent themes you love in Trek: How do I fulfill my potential and grow into the 'me I know I can be? What risks will I take to protect someone I love? What is vengeance vs justice, and how do we react when the choice is deeply personal?," Masterson told "And like Trek, the acting is rich… it's the kind that hits your heart and stays there. Jesse L. Martin is electric -- he's simply one of the finest actors anywhere, ever, with heart and wisdom to spare. And Carlos Valdez is both rock-solid and hilarious as Cisco. Andrew Kreisberg and Katherine Walczak's 'The Nuclear Man' brings all that -- and more. Can't wait to hear what you think of Sherry. Tweet me your thoughts!"
The CW will air "The Nuclear Man" at 8 a.m. EST on Tuesday. And William Shatner just may show it some love, as he tweeted the other day, "@ChaseMasterson, when will you be on @CW_TheFlash? I will live tweet it."