Published Dec 3, 2015
Celebrating the Bartenders of Star Trek
Celebrating the Bartenders of Star Trek

"Sometimes, a man'll tell his bartender things he'll... never tell his doctor." So said Dr. Boyce to Captain Pike in "The Cage," the first Star Trek: The Original Series pilot. That, folks, is how far back Star Trek and bartenders go. And so it's only fitting that today, Bartender Appreciation Day, we celebrate Star Trek's bartenders, gif-style (when possible, otherwise with photos). We've got Guinan, of course, and Quark, and a few you may have forgotten. So let's lift a Romulan Ale to all the bartenders out there... real and imagined.
Guinan (The Next Generation)

Quark (Deep Space Nine)

Ed (The Original Series)
Rex (The Next Generation)
Dixon Hill Bartender (First Contact)
Dessica II Alien Bartender (TNG)
Bartender (TOS/DS9)
Graife (DS9)
So, who are your favorite bartenders... on Star Trek and in real life?