Published Jan 11, 2019
Captain Killy Reports for Duty
Captain Killy makes her first appearance anywhere in Trek media with Star Trek Online's upcoming Mirror of Discovery

Star Trek Online
There is another universe, out there. One that is dark and twisted, like a cracked reflection on an ancient mirror. There, the brutal Terran Empire reigns supreme, and all life must either submit or rebel. There have been incursions into our universe from the Terran Empire before, most notably at the behest of the insane Admiral Leeta, but nothing like this.
On January 23rd, the infamous Captain Killy finally makes her first appearance anywhere in Star Trek media, as Mary Wiseman returns to Star Trek Online. You’ll face off against this twisted version of Tilly, and much more, as part of our Ninth Anniversary update, Mirror of Discovery.

Star Trek Online
Captains on PC (and soon on Xbox One and Playstation 4) will travel to the forest planet of Pahvo, to investigate strange readings from an Ion Storm. From there, a two episode arc will place you in a deadly race against time – and to determine whether this ruthless Captain will be an ally or an enemy.

Star Trek Online
Mirror of Discovery also brings back the Omega Molecule Stabilization event, in celebration of Star Trek Online’s 9th anniversary. Players can collect Omega particles scattered across the galaxy to earn the new T6 Vulcan Scout Ship, which was featured in Star Trek: Discovery. The update also introduces the new Personal Endeavors System, which offers players daily challenges to complete for account-wide performance boosts. A full list of features will be provided when Mirror of Discovery launches on PC January 23.
Star Trek Online is a free-to-play massively multiplayer online game that allows players to explore the Star Trek universe from within. Players can forge their own destiny as Captain of a Federation starship, champion the Empire through the far reaches of the galaxy as a Klingon Warrior, rebuild the Romulan legacy as the commander of a Romulan Republic Warbird or carry out daring missions on behalf of the Dominion as a Jem’Hadar soldier. Captains can also explore iconic locations from the Star Trek universe, make contact with new alien species and battle alongside other players in customizable starships. Star Trek Online is currently available on PC, PlayStation4 and Xbox One.