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Can You Say "You Bludgeon Divinely" in Klingon?

Can You Say "You Bludgeon Divinely" in Klingon?

How to Speak Klingon – Essential Phrases for the Intergalactic Traveler

Due out on April 23 from Chronicle Books, How to Speak Klingon is an audio phrasebook written by Ben Grossblatt, with illustrations by Alex Fine. A Klingon Pronunciation key helps users tackle the nuances of Klingon, but the real secret is a built-in sound module. Among the phrases you might wish to learn and then grunt: “Passport? My fist is my passport!” and “Your mother has a smooth forehead” and “You bludgeon divinely,” not to mention “Today is a good day to die.”

How to Speak Klingon will run 24 pages and cost $16.95. Click below to pre-order.