Published Nov 24, 2015
Borg Cube: Some Assimilation Necessary
Borg Cube: Some Assimilation Necessary

ThinkGeek has just introduced a very cool -- and practical -- new Star Trek product. It's the Borg Cube Paper Lantern Floor Lamp. It's actually something of a stealth Trek product, as, from a distance, it's hard to see all the fine Borg Cube details. Of course, just how close do you really want to get to a Borg Cube?
Anyway, it's an 18" cube -- meant for indoor use only -- that can be switched on and off using an in-line foot toggle. Some assimilation -- er, assembly -- is required, as is a 40-watt max incandescent bulb. It costs $39.99 and is available now. Go to to purchase.