Published Sep 1, 2015
Bonus Omaze Video -- with Simon Pegg
Bonus Omaze Video -- with Simon Pegg

Just a few hours and counting. The To Boldly Go campaign is nearing its end, but it's not too late to get in on the fun (or donate again) and to support nine great charities. In a bonus Omaze video, Star Trek Beyond's Scotty and co-writer, Simon Pegg, reveals that in addition to one last opportunity to snag a walk-on role, fans can make themselves eligible to win an official captain's chair and also to beam up tickets to the Star Trek Beyond premiere (along with flight and hotel). Additionally, Pegg introduces outtakes from shooting the Omaze videos.
The Star Trek Beyond actors, Bad Robot, Paramount Pictures and Omaze are behind Star Trek: To Boldly Go. Each $10 contribution made through the Omaze fundraising platform makes the participant eligible to win the walk-on role. The walk-on role is actually the grand prize, which also includes a flight to Vancouver, Canada, hotel, a chance to meet the cast during filming and being transformed into a Star Trek character by the Star Trek Beyond hair, makeup and costume teams. Six additional winners will form the honorary Star Trek: To Boldy Go Crew, and they'll win a trip to Vancouver as well as the opportunity to meet the crew and observe filming.
Go to to enter.
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