Published Jun 5, 2013
Bjo & John Trimble Share Nichelle Nichols Anecdotes
Bjo & John Trimble Share Nichelle Nichols Anecdotes

Bjo and John Trimble, the super-fans who helped save Star Trek: The Original Series from cancellation, share memories and anecdotes about their friend, Trek legend Nichelle Nichols.
A NOTE TO FANS FROM BJO and JOHN TRIMBLE:The Trimbles are active in the Society for Creative Anachronism, a medieval re-enactment organization. Last year, SCA folk joined the Orange County AIDS Walk in Disneyland. This year, Team CAID was once again Walking for a Cure that goes from the Middle Ages to The Next Generation and Beyond. Most of us wore the name and often a photo of a friend who died from AIDS. I chose William Ware Theiss, TOS costume designer, and John chose Mike Minor, TNG artist.The surprise was how many SCA folk supported this walk and how many Trek fans... did not. We know that many people are short of jobs and funds, but hopefully there are some Trekkers out there who can spare a dollar or two. Undaunted, the entire family walked again on May 4, and it's not too late for everyone to support this worthy cause and join Team CAID, as the books don't close on AIDS Walk until the end of June! Team CAID's Page: CAID’s Facebook: AIDS Walk information:!Bjo and John