Published Aug 27, 2012
Beyer Back With Voyager Tale The Eternal Tide
Beyer Back With Voyager Tale The Eternal Tide

Kirsten Beyer is back with her latest Star Trek novel. The versatile and ubiquitous author, who has penned such Star Trek: Voyager titles as Full Circle, Unworthy and Children of the Storm, will be out tomorrow with The Eternal Tide. Available from Simon & Schuster, The Eternal Tide picks up soon after the events of Children of the Storm. Here’s a summary of the story straight from Simon & Schuster:“As the Voyager fleet continues its exploration of the Delta Quadrant, investigating the current status of sectors formerly controlled by the Borg becomes a key priority. Two of the fleet’s special mission vessels, the U.S.S. Galen and U.S.S. Demeter, are left at New Talax to aid Neelix’s people, while the Voyager, Quirinal, Esquiline, Hawking, and Curie move out to do a systematic search for any remnants of the Borg or Caeliar. As this critical mission begins, a thorough analysis of Fleet Commander Afsarah Eden’s genome raises new questions about her origins, and at Captain Chakotay’s insistence, she reluctantly agrees to take the Achilles to explore the only planet in the Galaxy that might hold the answers she is seeking, and the truth about her long-lost home. But no one can anticipate the shocking consequences of Eden’s search, or that Voyager’s only hope of containing them would hinge upon the unexpected return of, and legacy of choices made by, one of Starfleet’s most respected and acclaimed officers…”