Published Mar 19, 2017
Best-Ever Trek Episode Round-Two Winners Are...
Best-Ever Trek Episode Round-Two Winners Are...'s mission to determine Star Trek's best-ever episode is now on to round two (of four). Fans could choose from "Bound," "The Enterprise Incident," "In the Pale Moonlight," "Journey to Babel," "The Magnificent Ferengi," "Similitude," "Sins of the Father," "A Taste of Armageddon," "The Trouble With Tribbles" and "The Visitor." Thousands of fans voted, and here are the results:
"The Trouble with Tribbles" (34%)
"In the Pale Moonlight" (26%)
"The Visitor" (9%)
"Sins of the Father" (8%)
"The Enterprise Incident" (7%, 329 votes)
"Journey to Babel" (7%, 311 votes)
"The Magnificent Ferengi" (4%)
"A Taste of Armageddon" (3%)
"Similitude" (2%)
"Bound" (1%)
As previously reported, we started with 40 episodes from across the franchise, with the episodes having been "seeded" based on previous "Best Of" polls we've conducted over the past few years. We're holding four (4) preliminary rounds of 10 episodes each. Based upon votes from you, our readers, the top two episodes in each round will move on to the finals, with the two remaining episodes that elicit the most votes serving as wild card entries in the finals. Let's find out what the options for Round 3 are!