Published Oct 17, 2012
Beam Me Up App To Debut At Destination Star Trek
Beam Me Up App To Debut At Destination Star Trek

Destination Star Trek London will offer tons of guests, a gathering of the five captains and tons more, but for all that, one of the very first things we’re planning to check out is the Beam Me Up App that CBS Action will launch at DSTL. The mega-event will be held at London’s Excel Centre from October 19-21, and the Beam Me Up App, the first of its kind in the UK, will work as follows: fans step onto a specially designed Star Trek transporter platform, align their phones with their friend’s silhouette and literally watch them vanish, a la Kirk, Picard, Janeway, Sisko and on and on. Once someone has successfully beamed up, the phone user will receive a special mid-“beam up” image that can be shared with friends and through social media.Realise Digital developed the technology that makes the Beam Me Up App a reality. It utilizes advanced image and pattern recognition, aligning the virtual and physical worlds in real time. The app also features extra star/cast interviews. It will be available for iPhone and Android phones, and downloadable – for free – via iTunes and Android stores.

Click HERE for details about Destination Star Trek London.