Published Aug 9, 2017
Attack Wing Card Pack Preview Wave 1- U.S.S. Grissom
Attack Wing Card Pack Preview Wave 1- U.S.S. Grissom

WizKids/NECA is happy to announce brand-new content for Star Trek: Attack Wing, starting with Star Trek: Attack Wing Card Packs. Each Card Pack contains 11 cards, Captain Tokens and a Ship Token. Each pack will focus on a particular ship and contain fun thematic cards with a new, efficient point-cost system that will add a new level of depth and excitement to gameplay. In addition, the new formatting and iconography for cards will now allow players to easily identify game effects such as triggers, durations, range and firing arc. The first ship to be previewed is the U.S.S. Grissom, which was a 23rd century Federation Oberth-class starship. This science vessel was under the command of Captain J.T. Esteban. The U.S.S. Grissom transported Lieutenant Saavik and David Marcus to the Genesis Planet in order to conduct scientific studies on the newly formed world. While in orbit, however, they discovered the photon torpedo in which Captain Spock's body had been ejected from the U.S.S. Enterprise. The U.S.S. Grissom came under attack by a Klingon Bird-of-Prey intent on exploiting the Genesis technology as a weapon. Although it was the Klingon's intention to simply disable the Grissom so that they might take prisoners, the ship was completely destroyed, in what his gunner described as "a lucky shot." The gunner was summarily executed immediately after.