Published Mar 5, 2013
Are YOU the Fangirl of the Day?
Are YOU the Fangirl of the Day?

It's the "Year of the Fangirl," according to actress and Her Universe founder Ashley Eckstein, and the goal is to celebrate, recognize and highlight women, one of the fastest-growing and important segments of the sic-fi/fantasy/pop culture audience. To that end, Her Universe -- an online retailer of sci-fi apparel, including an array of licensed Star Trek products -- will showcase a different girl each and every day, sharing their dreams, interests and diversity. The campaign is under way, and the lucky Geek Girls are being selected personally by Eckstein and a group of five fangirl contributors who are evaluating submissions coming in from around the world. Fangirls of any age can be nominated and profiled, though those under the age of 13 will need to be nominated by a parent or guardian.
"From day one, it's been very important to me to make Her Universe a positive and supportive community for fangirls," Eckstein says. "I've traveled the nation over the past 2 ½ years with Her Universe and I have been inspired by so many amazing women. There are several great outlets that highlight fangirl celebrities and pop culture news but I wanted to create a place where we will share the stories of everyday women who are proudly letting their geek flag fly! If she considers herself a fangirl, we want to hear her story."
So lady Trek fans, could YOU be one of Her Universe's Fangirls of the Day? If so, fill out the form at, and you could also wind up participating in a very special event to be held this summer in coordination with San Diego Comic Com.