Published Jun 27, 2013
And The Award Goes To ...
And The Award Goes To ...

Last nightStar Trek: The Next Generation took home the Saturn award for the Best DVD/BD Television Series Release for seasons one and two of TNG on Blu-ray at The 39th Annual Saturn Awards.
Attending the event from the CBS Home Entertainment production team were Blu-ray producer and director of special features Roger Lay Jr, Blu-ray special features co-producer and editor Robert Meyer Burnett, project consultants Mike and Denise Okuda (pictured above with Roger Lay, Jr.) as well as Phil Bishop and Angelo Dante from CBS Home Entertainment.
"We really feel we've gotten the opportunity to put together the definitive release of one of the most successful and beloved shows in the genre," commented Roger. "The TV landscape was not as rich before TNG came along in terms of science fiction programming. You could argue that all of the genre shows being honored last night owe a great deal to TNG for setting the stage for the big crossover appeal science fiction and fantasy programming has developed in the days since the show left the air. I am immensely grateful to be a part of the production team for TNG on blu-ray."
"This Academy of Science Fiction, Fantasy and Horror has always been very important to me and fellow special features producer Rob Burnett so getting this recognition by it's members is a real honor for us as lifelong fans of the genre. This project has been a real labor of love for all of us," said Roger Lay, Jr., pictured above with Robert Burnett.
Click HERE to purchase Seasons One, Two, and Three of Star Trek: The Next Generation on Blu-ray.