Aloha, Quark and Weyoun and Rom and Martok and Damar and Gowron and Seskai. Yes, fan, the latest Creation Entertainment Official Star Trek Convention will be held in Hawaii, and it’ll be a Deep Space Nine-centric weekend. Among those set to appear December 4 and 5 at the Sheraton Waikiki Hotel are Armin Shimerman, Jeffrey Combs, Max Grodenchik, J.G. Hertzler, Casey Biggs, Robert O’Reilly and Vaughn Armstrong, as well as special TOS guests BarBara Luna and Bobby Clark.
The Hawaii convention will include Creation’s regular celebrity Q&A sessions, along with an array of “extras” designed to make it an especially memorable experience for attendees. Gary Berman of Creation Entertainment offers some highlights. “We’ve run conventions in the past in Hawaii and always had a great time,” he says. “The fans there are so welcoming and it’s always a pleasure to visit. Our celebrities love to make the trip, obviously, and it seemed like a good idea to launch our year of 45th Anniversary shows there. The Sheraton is a particularly nice venue that should work out perfectly for the convention.
“The 'Rat Pack' live performance is always a smash and the guys - Vaughn, Jeff, Casey, Max and Armin -- really are fantastic,” Berman continues. “Of course, the highlight of the weekend will be the appearance of Martok and Gowron (both in costume), and fans love to get their pictures with them. Inge Heyer is a longtime friend of ours and we're looking forward to her presentation about the real-life search for alien life forms. And on Friday we're opening up a free marketplace filled with genre merchandise -- Twilight, Stargate, Supernatural, Xena, etc., as well as Star Trek. So, really, it’ll be a full weekend of cool stars, events and attractions.”
And, Berman notes, there’s something else fans should know:
“We tried to keep the admission price extra low for everyone, so that all can attend,” he says. “General admission is only $10 a day, a fantastic entertainment bargain, especially when compared to a movie.”
See the complete Star Trek convention schedule at Creation Entertainment.