Published May 28, 2018
9 Things to Know about "Menage a Troi"
9 Things to Know about "Menage a Troi"

The Star Trek: The Next Generation episode "Menage a Troi" aired on May 28, 1990. The hour explored the plight Troi, Riker and Lwaxana Troi upon being kidnapped by DaiMon Tog. To mark the occasion, is pleased to share some facts and anecdotes about "Menage a Troi."
Assistant Rising
Susan Sackett co-wrote this episode with Fred Bronson. Sackett was Gene Roddenberry's longtime personal executive assistant, was a production associate on TNG and also co-wrote the story for "The Game." Roddenberry had a hand in this story's evolution as well.
Like Pulling Teeth
The Ferengi torture chair was actually... a dental chair.
Kids These Days
Our favorite line of dialogue in this episode was uttered by Deanna Troi, speaking to her mother. "Little one?!" she fumed. "You called me that when I was five! Now, stop demeaning me and address me as an adult!"
Hello, Mr. Neelix...
Dr. Farek was played by future Voyager co-star Ethan Phillips.
Reality Meets the Future
General Colin Powell visited the set during production of this episode and was present when Gene Roddenberry bestowed upon Wil Wheaton the second lieutenant bars he'd received while serving in the Army Air Corps. As fans know, this was also the episode in which Wesley Crusher was promoted to full ensign.
Oh My, Oo-Mox
Yes, it's true: Oo-mox, the Ferengi sexual practice, made its debut here, as did the Ferengi hand phaser.
Corsentino Bids Farewell
Frank G. Corsentino guest starred as Tog. He'd also portrayed ed Bok in the TNG hour "The Battle" and Gegis in Voyager's "Inside Man." All three characters were Ferengi. Corsentino passed away in 2007 at the age of 65. "Inside Man" turned out to be Corsentino's final screen appearance.
Domo Arigato, Mr. Legato
Robert Legato made his directing debut with "Menage a Troi." The Emmy Award-winning TNG special effects artist/supervisor later called the shots on "The Nth Degree," a TNG episode, and "If Wishes Were Horses," a FX-heavy episode of Deep Space Nine. Legato went on to work on such films as Armageddon, The Departed, Avatar, Hugo, The Jungle Book and the upcoming The Lion King, winning a couple of Oscars along the way.
Sir Patrick and the Bard
No stranger to Shakespeare, Patrick Stewart quoted the Bard several times during this episode. Among the verses he uttered: "Shall I compare thee to a summer's day? Thou art more lovely and more temperate..."