Published Nov 16, 2012
Kirk's Death Still A Sore Point 18 Years Post-Generations?
Kirk's Death Still A Sore Point 18 Years Post-Generations?

Don’t you just love it when people open old wounds? Well, that’s what we’re about to do, and it’ll be sinfully easy. Star Trek Generations debuted in theaters on November 18, 1994, or 18 years ago tomorrow. What do you think of when you think of Generations? Well, there’s Kirk’s demise at the start. There’s the very cool sight of Captain Kirk and Captain Picard in action together, including… on horses. Malcolm McDowell does his level best to make Soran a compelling antagonist. The visual effects, especially those used to render the Nexus, are pretty awesome. Maybe you enjoyed Worf’s promotion ceremony or Troi crashing the ship? Or Data’s emotion chip overload/breakdown sequence? Or his tear of joy when he and Troi find Spot? Or the Christmas scene?
But now, let’s open that wound, shall we?Kirk’s death at the end. There, we said it, and we shuddered. Far, far from heroic or befitting, agreed? Better, though than Soran shooting him in the back, which was what had originally been shot. Yes, falling off the bridge was… better? Sure, we liked the line, “It was… fun,” delivered only as William Shatner could deliver it. And the “Oh, my” capper was wonderfully enigmatic. But, death by... bridge? Come on.So, let the debate begin.
How disappointing was Kirk’s demise? How SHOULD he have perished? Should he have died at all?